2024 Marianist Family Discernment
During the 2018 Dayton Marianist Family Day of Discernment, we collectively discerned support for three efforts in the Dayton area: the Dakota Center, Mission of Mary Cooperative, and Full of Grace Ministry (formerly the Five Oaks Initiative).
A lot has changed in the last five or six years: we’ve survived a global pandemic, adjusted to different ways of worship and work, lost (and gained!) family members, and more. As a family council, we still believe that uniting our family efforts of service and support can be powerful! There are so many gifts and talents in our local Marianist family, and we are eager to help identify where we all may serve in a way that advances our solidarity within our local Marianist family and our broader Dayton community.
What are we asking?
We are asking each Marianist community in Dayton to participate in our discernment to help inform our focus. We have created a "meeting in a box" to help guide the discussion, as well as a discernment form for each member of the community to complete.
What resources are available?
We have identified a facilitator for each community, and we are providing resources of:
a facilitator checklist of what to do before the meeting, during and after
the discernment form (electronic responses preferred, but a hard copy is also available)
Is there a deadline?
Ideally, we'd like every community member to complete a survey by the end of April. If a community/members need some time in May or even June to do this, please let us know.
Who do I reach out to with questions?
The Office of Temporalities (Emily Fahrig, Bro. Ray Fitz, Meghann Naveau, Nancy Woeste) for the Dayton Marianist Family Council is leading this work. Please email questions to daytonmarianist@gmail.com.